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Our Infant Child Care Program in Sudbury, MA

8 weeks - 15 months
Infant Classrooms:

Cherry Classroom 

Oak Classroom 

Infant Curriculum

Our infant program provides a safe and nurturing environment with a low teacher-infant ratio. Caregivers present infants with a sense of trust by meeting their needs and engaging in positive and loving social interactions.


Encouraging Exploration & Growth 


Our infant classrooms are full of a variety of different stimulating objects and opportunities to explore and grow in a nurturing environment.


Each day, time is set aside for age-appropriate physical activity such as tummy time, sitting up, crawling, and eventually standing and walking. We also connect and play with infants through picture books and singing.


Building Emerging Communication Skills


The use of “baby signs” helps infants learn to communicate their needs without frustration. Baby signing also creates a foundation for language skills and back and forth interaction.


Connecting with Families Beyond the Classroom


“Summer Picnics with Parents” also give children the chance to enjoy outdoor circle time, art activities, and sensory play together with their parents. 


Putting Parents at Ease with Transparent, Consistent 

Our communication app is an easy-to-use feature we share with all families to keep in touch throughout the day. Get sweet pictures of story time and daily reports on feedings and diaper changes, all from the convenience of your phone.

Key Features of Our Infant Program

Infant classroom tummy time

Gross Motor Skill Development

Our infant curriculum features daily activities to encourage gross motor skill development including standing, crawling, and rolling.

Infant classroom outside time

Daily Outdoor Time & Stroller Walks

Weather permitting, our teachers take the infant classroom out for daily outdoor time and stroller walks.


Individualized Transition Schedule

We honor the napping and eating schedule your baby has followed at home, making the transition easy for little ones.

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